Pete Francis (b. 1975)


“A Pete Francis record feels like a ride from New York City to the coast of Maine.”

American Musician, Writer, Poet, Singer-Songwriter, Founding member of Dispatch


“Did I mean to say it? Could I let you go? You make the prettiest sound that I know”

Electric Heart
Pete Francis 

Year: 2020

Stream on all platforms 

"In the production for 'Electric Heart' I was going for something both electronic and organic. The main groove has a drum machine feel while the acoustic guitar and sticks played on wooden bongos create a steady loop. I was imagining the main character in 'Electric Heart' to be like Warren Schmidt played by Jack Nicholson in Alexander Payne's masterpiece, About Schmidt. It's a song about moving on and finding new purpose. Releasing oneself from the numbness and monotony often felt in everyday life. The lyrics have a poetic feel that relate to the themes of reality and the imagination. The poet Wallace Stevens is a favorite writer of mine - I find his poems fascinating and inspiring. Particularly Steven's examination of the inherent fertility of nothingness. This idea was present when I wrote the words for 'Electric Heart.'" – Pete Francis